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Friday, March 17, 2006

Hollywood Dog Nominated for Best Screenwriting?

Hollywood pet trivia:

True or False: A dog has been nominated for for an Oscar for Best Screenwriting?

Believe it or not, the answer is TRUE!

Robert Towne is one of Hollywood's most well-known writers, having authored scripts for movies such as Chinatown, Shampoo, Bonnie and Clyde, Heaven Can Wait (an old favorite of ours!), and Mission Impossible. But Robert's dog is also an honored screenwriter, as well.

After working for years on a script for 1984's Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, he grew dissatisfied with the production and decided to credit his dog, P.H. Vazak, with the script. When Greystoke was nominated for an Oscar for screenwriting, Vazak became the first dog to receive an Oscar nod for writing.

Alas, Vazak did not win, so we'll never know who he would've thanked whose butt he would've sniffed on the way to the podium.

You can learn more about Robert on Hollywood.com.


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