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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Nancy Meyers directs and plays with dog simultaneously

In an interview with MoviesOnline, Cameron Diaz talks about acting with a canine actor in her new movie, The Holidays.

The dog wasn't starstruck to be working with talented folks like Cameron, Ed Burns, Kate Winslet, and Jack Black. Says Cameron, "The dog was really old and he was over it. He’s like 'I’ve been doing this way too long to even be about to make you guys happy.'"

Now, never having been on a real Hollywood movie set, I was always under the impression that the director was laser focus on the shots and the acting, but apparently Nancy Meyers makes time for dogs, too. According to Cameron, "Nancy played the dog a lot. She was off screen (Diaz barking). Nancy was barking. It was fun."

You can read more from the interview with Cameron on MoviesOnline.com.


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