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Friday, October 14, 2005

George Michael and Mariah Carey add voice to animal cruelty campaign

The Sun, famed UK tabloid, has taken up the cause of animal cruelty prevention in a big way (You go, Sun!), and some celebs are adding their voices. George Michael, Mariah Carey, and Jay Kay have voiced support for The Sun's recent front-page series on animal cruelty. Says George,“I am delighted to back The Sun in this. I find it incredible anybody could harm an animal.”

As can be the case when the media takes up the cause of animal cruelty, The Sun's series was spurred by the sad case of Spot, a delightful and beautiful dalmatian who was found abused and killed. The Sun made the sad story front-page news, and a person moved by the Sun’s campaign (and the £5,000 reward) called the Animal Cruelty hotline.

Perhaps with stars like George, Mariah, and Jay and pubs like The Sun, a dent can be made in animal abuse. You "gotta have faith!"


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