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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Paris Hilton's zoo

Paris Hilton claims to have 600 pets. Really. Yes, I mean Paris Hilton and not the City of Paris. And yes, I know the Los Angeles Zoo has 1,200 animals and it seems unlikely Paris has half that many.

She claims to have a mini-zoo at her home, including dogs, ferrets, goats, rats and a bobcat. She reportedly looks after two of them and leaves the rest to a housekeeper. (598 animals and one housekeeper? Apparently her housekeeper is named Noah.)

Paris says, "I've got so many pets, but I do know their names. I have a rottweiler called Tyson, Tinkerbell's a chihuahua, Bambi's another Chihuahua. I also have a ferret called Rascal."

Read more about Paris' zoo here.


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