Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

Maintained by Petra Dogcatovitch, Hollywood Pet Gossip

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Catherine Zeta-Jones' dog on a trampoline

Okay, this isn't much of a celebrity pet news item, but when it comes to the beautiful Catherine Zeta-Jones, we'll use any small tidbit as an excuse to post her picture on our blog!

In an interview with Wales on Sunday, Catherine discusses the difficulty of being a working mom. She said she tried to bring her kids to the shoot of her new movie, The Legend of Zorro, but the kids kept making noise on the trampoline. Then, apparently, her dog started on the trampoline. Finally, she decided it was easier to rent a house and commute to the set.

Now, I'm not sure I can help with the kids, but I'm pretty sure there are some easy ways to keep your dog off a trampoline. Then again, who am I to stop a dog from having his or her fun?

The first Zorro movie made Catherine and international star of movies and T-Mobile commercials. In the long-awaited sequel, she'll star as Zorro's wife, Elena de La Vega, and reportedly will get more than her fair chance to kick some butt (and wield a sword). Wonder if her pooch will get any screen time?


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