Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

Maintained by Petra Dogcatovitch, Hollywood Pet Gossip

News about celebrities and their dogs, cats, and other pets. Find out which celebrity cannot live without his or her pet, who's seen out with their pets, and what celeb pets are up to! Sponsored by JustPetStrollers.com., offering the safest and most stylish pet strollers with the lowest prices, free shipping, and five-star rated service.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Meg Ryan with mystery man and dogs

Okay, I'll admit--this may be the thinnest, fluffiest celebrity pet news item of all time, but then again, I first heard the news on CNN so that must make it okay to report, don't you think?

The entire celebrity event can be summed up on one sentence: Meg and some unknown man were seen walking with two dogs in a parking lot of a Santa Monica pet rescue center. That's it. That's the entire story. Exciting, huh?

There's nothing more to read, but feel free to read it here anyway.


  • At 1:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you heard this on CNNN really??? who is the mystery man

  • At 11:18 AM, Blogger Augie Ray said…

    Weell, maybe "heard" was the wrong word--I saw it in a "crawl" at the bottom of the screen. I'd call it a slow news day, except with hurricanes and all, it would seem there might've been more important news.

    As to who the mystery man is, we'll just have to watch for more news. We could have some fun and start a rumor here--she either is filming or recently finished "In the Land of Women," costarring Eric Acsell in the role of "Handsome Guy." Given Meg's history of on-set romance... Anyone know if Eric is a dog lover?

    See a photo of Eric here: http://imdb.com/gallery/hh/0010306/HH/0010306/Eric_Acsell_1_alter.jpg?path=pgallery&path_key=Acsell,%20Eric


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