Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

Maintained by Petra Dogcatovitch, Hollywood Pet Gossip

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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Richard Perle's dog attacks Benjamin Netanyahu

Okay, this is supposed to be a Hollywood and Celeb pet news blog, not a political pet blog--but since this story comes from Stephen Gaghan, the Oscar-winning writer of "Traffic," we think it's okay to share. Plus, it is really funny. After all, you and I may be used to our pet behaving badly in front of company, but how many of us have had that happen in front of world leaders?

Gaghan was interviewing Richard Perle, vocal advocate for the war in Iraq, when Benjamin Netanyahu, former Prime Minister of Israel, drops by. It was then that Perle's wheaten terrier puppy, Reagan, began jumping around and, as clawing the crotch of Mr. Netanyahu. As reported by the L.A. Times, Gaghan pulled the dog away from him and said, "Now, now, Reagan, not on former heads of state."

Isn't this how international incidents start? If you care to learn more, this small blurb can be found in a much larger L.A. Times article about Gaghan's upcoming movie, "Syriana."


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