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Friday, March 17, 2006

Bunny support asked for in Hollywood divorce

Can you imagine the stories you could hear from Hollywood divorce attorneys?

Well, wonder no more, for there's an entertaining article about celebrity divorce on LATimes.com. High-profile celebrity divorce lawyer Dennis Wasser has become involved in the ongoing federal investigation of Hollywood private eye Anthony Pellicano. Pellicano is facing charges of wiretapping and witness intimidation, and it's possible Wasser may be part of the scandalous case.

In any event, the article gives a few juicy details about Divorce Hollywood Style, and my favorite is this: In 2002, Lisa Bonder Kerkorian sued her ex-husband, movie mogul Kirk Kerkorian. She asked $320,000 a month in child support for her 4-year-old daughter Kira. I say if he's got it, she may as well go for it--but honestly, how could one possibly spend that much money every month! Here's how: her child support claim included $144,000 a month for travel, $14,000 for parties and play dates, and $5,900 monthly to eat out (which comes to 2.73 Big Mac's every hour of every day for the month.)

Best of all, it included $436 for the care of her daughter's pet rabbit! Apparently, Kerkorian's bunny eats better than I do.

Read more on LATimes.com.


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