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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Allison Janney has the best dog on the planet

Allison Janney is incredibly talented, but one of her weaknesses is a lack of objectivity when it comes to her pet. Of course, none of us pet owners are very objective because we--like Allison--all think we have the world's greatest pet.

Allison was lucky to be part of a show that was--for several years--the greatest television program on TV. West Wing was moving, funny, intelligent, and everything a good drama should be. (And don't get us started on the phenomenal wordless scene featuring Allison and the beautiful music of Jeff Buckley singing Hallelujah--pure magic!)

Alas, the magic faded and the West Wing is now winding down, but Allison still has her talent--and her dog, about whom she holds a very high opinion. She tells the Washington Post that her rescued dog, Chauncy is "the best dog on the planet... Part retriever, part Great Dane. He's 130 pounds..." Allison enjoys having friends over to watch Chauncy run around their backyard.

You can read more about Allison's recollections including the untimely passing of the wonderful John Spencer and the time she and Monica Lewinsky padded together in a canoe on WashingtonPost.com.


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