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Monday, May 15, 2006

Almost-Beastie walks beasties

Ricky Powell is known as a lot of things--renowned celeb photographer, sneaker artist, and the "Fourth Beastie Boy." He's also the dog walker to the stars--or at least to Sarah Jessica Parker and Sally Kellerman--but not a very courteous dog walker, it seems.

Ricky is opening a show in Toronto and is interviewed on Now Toronto. When asked what he does in his free time, Ricky says, "Dog walking. Sarah Jessica Parker is one of my clients. She has a poodle-chihuahua mix, and I also walk Sally Kellerman's great Dane, but that's it on the celebrity tip. The rest are old bohemians who don't want to go out in the daylight."

But the next time you step in dog poop, it may be the fault of a celebrity's dog walked by a celebrity: Ricky doesn't believe in picking up after his charges: "I don't pick up after them. While the dog is taking a dump, I just keep walking and smoke some weed. Hey, it's all organic."

Read more Ricky on NowToronto.com.


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