Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

Maintained by Petra Dogcatovitch, Hollywood Pet Gossip

News about celebrities and their dogs, cats, and other pets. Find out which celebrity cannot live without his or her pet, who's seen out with their pets, and what celeb pets are up to! Sponsored by JustPetStrollers.com., offering the safest and most stylish pet strollers with the lowest prices, free shipping, and five-star rated service.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Nicole Richie gets a cat

Nicole and Paris may not be speaking these days, but they still think alike. Both were seen shopping in pet stores recently.

Nicole must've picked out a new kitty, because she was seen exiting with one of those happy-meal-like cardboard carriers. (Wouldn't you expect a well-off pet lover such as Nicole to come prepared with her own Gucci carrier or pet stroller, or to buy one at the store? It just seems so, um, crass for her to be seen carrying an emormous colorful cardboad box, don't you think?)

We hope that Nicole and her new cat companion are enjoying their new relationship.

You can see more on X17Online.


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