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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Bush pardons Marshmallow

Yes, it happens every year and thus is not terribly newsworthy, but tis' the season so let's have fun with it.

President Bush pardoned this year's "National Thanksgiving Turkey," a bird named Marshmallow. This happens every year in the White House (although I'm pretty sure presidents then end up enjoying an unpardoned turkey come Thanksgiving).

This year's pardon comes with a twist: Instead of going to live at a petting zoo like past "National" turkeys, Marshmallow is getting treated like a Superbowl quarterback--he's going to Disneyland! He and another pardoned turkey named Yam will travel to California where they will be the honorary grand marshals at Disney's Thanksgiving Day parade.

"I know that Marshmallow and Yam are going to feel pretty good strutting around sunny California," Bush said.

Read more about Marshmallow and Yam here.



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