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Sunday, November 20, 2005

John O'Hurley still dancing--with dogs

First things first: John O'Hurley got ripped off on this season's hit TV show, "Dancing With the Stars!" Sure, Kelly Monaco looked better in her revealing outfits than did John, but there was no doubt in anyone's mind (except in the judge's) who was the better dancer.

Turns out John is still dancing, but this time it's with dogs. Last Thanksgiving, John hosted the "The National Dog Show" for NBC, and he'll be back with the pooches again this turkey day.

John is more than just a dog host; he's a dog lover. John has two dogs of his own: a Maltese named Scoschi and a rescued mixed-breed named Betty. John says, "Betty was living up in the hills, and some kids were throwing rocks up there. They couldn't see what they were throwing rocks at, but I could. So I pulled over and stopped. I went up there and grabbed her. She had a six-inch beard, was scrawny as she could be. That's the history of it. I took her home, and she was so shell-shocked."

As usually happens when you extend love to an animal, this story has a happy ending, "She's the happiest dog in the world now. It's one of those energies where you know they've been beaten up, and that they are much more grateful."

Check out the article on Zap2it.com to read more about John, the National Dog Show, and his upcoming stint on Broadway in "Chicago."


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