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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Fur flies between Pamela Anderson, Diddy, and J.Lo

Note to Pam Anderson: You go, girl!

Pam's a vocal supporter of animal rights, and this time she's naming names in her battle to combat fur. She blames designers and fur manufacturers for lavishing stars with pelts in order to make wearing dead animals fashionable again. Says Pam, "They're desperate for a fur 'comeback' so they throw their pelts at any clueless celebrity, like Diddy or J.Lo, who'll wear whatever is free."

If Sean or Jennifer wishes to comment on being called a "clueless celebrity," I'd be happy to share the response on this blog. Then again, I'd want to know why folks as lavishly rich as Diddy and J.Lo need to accept free furs. Can't they afford their own? Perhaps the fur manufacturers could instead distribute their furs to the needy?

Pam also offers this style advice to the fur-wearing stars: "A fur coat just adds 20 years and 20 pounds to you, and if you get rained on you smell like a wet dog."

FemaleFirst has more--read it here.


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