Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

Maintained by Petra Dogcatovitch, Hollywood Pet Gossip

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Paris Hilton and her kinkajou. (Huh, what's that?)

Paris Hilton could be the subject of her own celeb pet blog. Seems like a week doesn't pass where she isn't photographed out with a pet. We'd like to thank Paris for offering us so much content for our blog, and we're sure she appreciates all the attention about her and her pets rather than who she's dating or, heaven forbid, what other videos might be lurking at the bottom of her sock drawer.

So, this time Paris was seen out and about with her kinkajou. You know, her kinkajou.

No, that's not some trendy nickname for a boy toy--A kinkajou (aka, honey bear) is an "arboreal mammal (Potos flavus) of Central and South America, having brownish fur and a long, prehensile tail." (Okay, we didn't know that--JustJared.com educated us and provided the picture at right.)

So intrigued were we that we checked out Wikipedia, and I hope she keeps him on a tight leash: "They are generally tame. However, some owners report unpredictable, vicious attacks by their kinkajous even after several years of non-aggression."

See more pictures of Paris and her kinkajou at JustJared.com.

BTW, you Tinkerbell fans shouldn't worry--Paris's pet chihuahua also came along for the ride.


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