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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Tim Allen is a Shaggy Dog

If you ask me, this early poster for the upcoming Disney flick The Shaggy Dog is a little, well, creepy. Seeing Tim Allen's eyes peering out from a shaggy dog mane is just a little disconcerting, don't you think?

In any event, the movie is coming out in March. It is a remake of the 1959 film and tells the story of a lawyer who occasionally transforms into a large, shaggy sheepdog. And not only does Tim star in the movie, he also co-wrote and produced it.

Three of the movie's stars have experience with canines. Tim says, "My dog is dumb as a box of rocks. If I walk around the back side of the car and the dog [is watching me], and [then] I come back around, he [barks like crazy]! And I go, 'It's me!'"

Robert Downey Jr., who stars in the film as Tim's nemesis, notes, "I have a lot of experience with dogs -- Mastiffs, Yorkshire Terriers -- throughout my life here on earth as a man who interacts with dogs."

And the lovely Kristin Davis notes that her pooch is pretty darn lucky (and not just because he gets to share a home with her): "My dog has a really good life. I think she knows it too." In fact the golden retriever's life is so fabulous that it flies in a private jet whenever she and Kristin travel together! "She loves it," says Kristin. "She has her own chair."

You can see the onesheet poster here. And read the Entertainment Tonight interview with the three stars here.


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