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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Paige Davis glad to "trade" for time with husband and dog

You Trading Places fans know that Paige Davis was the face of the hit show and that she left the TLC program earlier this year when it moved to a “host-less” format.

So, what's Paige up to? In addition to talking to Dr. Phil about making some contributions to his show, playing Roxie in the musical “Chicago," and donating time to Operation Backpack (which raises awareness and school supplies for more than 11,000 children), she's also happy to be spending time with husband and puppy.

Paige told the Times Leader, "It’s been a very, very, very special time for the two of us and our little dog.” Paige earlier indicated her love for her pooch by saying if she was stranded on an island, the things she'd take with her would be, "My husband, Patrick, and my dog, Sophie." (Note to our loved ones: While we appreciate the sentiment, if you're going to be stranded on a desert island, please do not include us--instead, take a satellite phone and a month's worth of canned goods.)

Read more about Paige and what she learned on her seasons of Trading Spaces by clicking here.


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