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Friday, December 16, 2005

Now PETA takes on Paris Hilton

What, is this official "dump on Paris Hilton" week? First she was voted worst dog owner in an online poll conducted by New York Dog and Hollywood Dog magazines, and now PETA has dubbed her the worst-dressed celebrity for her fur-wearing ways. (And a couple weeks ago, officials took her monkey away because it was illegal to keep the animal in L.A.)

PETA put Paris at the top of their "worst-dressed" list followed by her friend Kimberly Stewart, Lisa Gastineau, Victoria Gotti and Tara Reid. Last year's "winner," Martha Stewart, has changed her way. Says the domestic diva/ex-con, "I used to wear real fur, but, like many others, I had a change of heart when I learned what actually happens to the animals."

Let's hope Paris changes her way and decides she doesn't need fur in her extensive wardrobe. (Funny thing is--she lives in warm L.A. and is usually wearing few clothes when photographed, so how frequently could she possibly be spotted wearing fur?)

Read more on ChicagoTribune.com.


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