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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Christy Carlson Romano and Club Libby Lu sell plushes to benefit animals

Girl's store Club Libby Lu and singer/actress Christy Carlson Romano are selling dogs--plush dogs, that is--and it's all for a good cause: A portion of the proceeds from this product will benefit the American Society for Shelter Animals (ASSA).

The plush pooches aren't just any dog, but Christy's own celebrity dog, Chewy the "Rock Star". Chewy is a French bull dog that has been a companion to Christy for the past two years. "Everywhere we go, people just fall in love with her! She is very comfortable in her own skin and is a true "princess" at heart!" Christy says.

Christy has been a non-stop entertainer since the age of six. She has starred on Broadway as the 10th anniversary Belle in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. The 21-year-old is best known for her roles on two Emmy-nominated Disney Channel series: Ren Stevens in "Even Stevens" and the voice of Kim Possible in Disney's animated "Kim Possible."

We're all for a good celebrity charity effort, but this one may be a bit too self serving: The 10" high plush dog is wearing a T-shirt that reads, "I Love Christy Carlson Romano." What happened to the good old days when celebs would donate money to a good cause (often anonymously) or would lend their name or voice to a charity? We're glad Christy is willing to support animals, but we're just not sure which cause is getting the bigger lift--Christy's career or the ASSA.

Okay, so maybe we're just jealous Club Libby Lu isn't selling plush dogs with our names all over them. We hope lots of Chewys get sold, bring many dollars to the ASSA and the animals they support.

Club Libby Lu will offer Chewy at its 80 store locations nationwide or by calling 1-866-LIBBYLU.

The American Society for Shelter Animals (ASSA) is an Outreach Program offered through the Fox Memorial Clinic which forwards monies to shelters in need to help pay for spay & neuters and other services. Fox Memorial Clinic is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Connecticut Humane Society. Both organizations are private and not-for-profit and receive no state or federal funding. For more information visit http://www.foxclinic.org/.

You can read more on ABC7Chicago.com.


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