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Saturday, December 10, 2005

Paris and Tinkerbell in Holiday display offend some

You have to admit, it's not exactly the typical holiday display. No inflatable snowmen, nativity scenes, or animatronic Santas are to be found on the lawn of Joe Moretti in Cranston, RI.

Instead, he's posted blown-up images of Paris and Tinkerbell adorned with pink lights. Reaction has been mixed, and some say it is inappropriate.

We can't imagine why! An all-Tinkerbell display would be quite welcome, we think; but Paris in tiny outfits doesn't exactly scream "Happy Holidays," does it?

The display includes a list entitled "How to Be a Hilton," complete with tips such as: "An entrance is everything," "NEVER wake before 10 a.m." and "NEVER spend the summer in NYC."

To read more about how the Paris and Tinkerbell display is being greeted by neighbors, visit CNN.com. Or, for an interesting twist to this story, check out ContactMusic.com: They report that Moretti isn't just an unknown fellow like you or I; he's the guy who was arrested for trespassing on Martha Stewart's property last year. Maybe Paris should be upgrading her security system--we wouldn't want to see any unfortunate stalking incidents for her or Tinkerbell!


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