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Saturday, December 03, 2005

Zsa Zsa and her dog

In a new article on scotsman.com about "the diva dog phenomenon," you'll find a funny story about Paris Hilton's great aunt, Zsa Zsa Gabor. (Apparently being famous simply for being famous runs in the family.)

Years ago, Zsa Zsa had her dog on her lap during a flight, and the flight attendant asked the actress to put her dog back in its cage. Even when told she'd be kicked off the flight, Zsa Zsa refused. (She probably thought they were joking since the flight was already 35,000 feet in the air.) Well, the flight crew wasn't joking, and Zsa Zsa was "left on a runway in Florida, suddenly liable for several thousand dollars worth of expenses for the unscheduled landing."

The remainder of the article discusses why actresses, singers, and other women who travel do so with dogs. I don't know why this takes an entire article when it seems so obvious--dogs provide companionship and comfort! Writing an article about this seems as sensible as writing an article about why cars need brakes.

If you're interested, you can read about Zsa Zsa and opera star Kitt Reuter-Foss ("Yorkie owners are especially wild - we scream, tell stories...") click here.


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