Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

Maintained by Petra Dogcatovitch, Hollywood Pet Gossip

News about celebrities and their dogs, cats, and other pets. Find out which celebrity cannot live without his or her pet, who's seen out with their pets, and what celeb pets are up to! Sponsored by JustPetStrollers.com., offering the safest and most stylish pet strollers with the lowest prices, free shipping, and five-star rated service.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

"Just Pet Strollers" featured in Brilliant Magazine

It isn't often we can use the name of our blog sponsor within the same sentence as the name of a famous supermodel, so here goes: JustPetStrollers.com has a product featured in the November 2005 issue of Brilliant Magazine featuring Jerry Hall on the cover. Okay, so it might have been more exciting had Jerry actually been seen with a pet stroller, but we'll take any PR we can get!

The AT3 All Terrain Pet Stroller was included in an article entitled, "Trend: Fashion Hound." If you'd like to check out the AT3 for yourself, our sponsor would appreciate your visit at JustPetStrollers.com.


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