Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

Maintained by Petra Dogcatovitch, Hollywood Pet Gossip

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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Emily returns to the US from France

There is no typical "celeb" in this story, but Emily has become an international celebrity in her own right after hitching a ride (and surviving) on a plane from Wisconsin to France. If you don't believe she's a real celeb, here are links to news articles on WashingtonPost.com, BBC.com, Mainichi Newspapers (Japan), The Advertiser (Australia), CNN, MSNBC, and Ireland Online.

Emily became world famous when she was found in France, having lived in a cargo container after stowing away in Appleton, Wisconsin. This past week, Emily returned home. She was greeted by her family and a horde of reporters after touching down in Milwaukee (which is coincidentally the headquarters for our blog sponsor, Just Pet Strollers). (Did you like the way we smoothly worked our sponsor into this article?)

Her sumptuous return in business class on a Continental Airlines flight was a sharp departure from her trip to France, where she was found thin and thirsty but still alive. Emily vanished from her Appleton home in late September. She apparently wandered into a nearby paper company's distribution center and crawled into a container of paper bales.

We're happy to share this amazing story and to welcome Emily home. Here's hoping she retires from the celebrity life and enjoys some quiet time at home.

Read more about Emily on the Washington Post Web site.


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