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Friday, December 09, 2005

Joss Stone the best and Paris Hilton the worst?

While we don't know either Joss Stone or Paris Hilton personally, we're sure they both love their pets equally as much. The readers of New York Dog Magazine and The Hollywood Dog Magazine apparently do not agree--singer Joss was chosen 2005 World's Best Dog Owner while Paris was named the worst, according to the results of a 3-month-long online poll.

Stone narrowly edged out Ashley Olsen, who adopted a mixed-breed from the Animal Haven Shelter (animalhavenshelter.org), in New York this year. Tori Spelling, a Pug owner, who despite her marriage break-up, "tirelessly campaigned" for the Much Love Animal Rescue (muchlove.org) in Los Angeles was placed third.

As for Paris? "Our readers felt Ms. Hilton's dog-parenting skills left a lot to be desired," said Leslie Padgett, editor of The New York and Hollywood Dog Magazines. "First she loses Tinkerbell, then she ditches her for a cuter dog, then replaces that dog with a ferret, then a Kinkajou monkey."

Poor Paris--it might sound odd to say this considering she seems to be lurking in every magazine these days, but it seems she could use some better PR management. After all, it's not as if she left Tinkerbell in some dark cage somewhere (or, at least, we don't think she did).

To read more about the New York Dog Magazine and The Hollywood Dog Magazine poll, click here.


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