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Monday, February 27, 2006

John Leguizamo heads north with sled dogs

Fairbanks is having a winter festival, and John Leguizamo is going to help them kick it off Hollywood style. Why John Leguizamo, you ask? Because John voiced a character in the upcoming animated movie, Ice Age 2: The Meltdown, and the festival will feature ice carving of characters from the Ice Age series.

John will arrive by dog sled on March 12. The actor will then help Gov. Frank Murkowski cut through an ice ribbon with blow torches.

If you find yourself in Fairbanks, be sure to stop in an enjoy the festival. But be careful around those giant ice sculpture--according to the article on MercuryNews.com, they can weigh more than 22 tons.

Check out more info: http://www.icealaska.com and http://www.iceage2.com.


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