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Monday, February 20, 2006

Sharon Stone owes dogs an apology

Sharon Stone has seen her fair share of heartbreak. She's been married and divorced three times and has had "countless" boyfriends. Still, that's no reason to insult dogs!

Sharon said, "I think all men are dogs. I honestly do. You know every man starts barking sooner or later."

Excuse me, Ms. Stone, but at least dogs would have the good sense to avoid taking a role in Basic Instinct 2. (Was that catty?) (And by saying that did I just insult cats?) (If so, I am truly sorry.)

Sharon goes on to say, "At least my character in Basic Instinct has the good sense to kill men afterwards, so they won't go around sprouting nonsense." One hopes she said that with a REALLY big smile on her face (or else she's spending a little too much time in character for her upcoming sequel.)

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