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Monday, February 13, 2006

Jason Biggs and "Eight Below" Pooches

The movie Eight Below opens this coming weekend. Inspired by a true story, Eight Below tells the story of three members of a scientific expedition, played by Paul Walker, Jason Biggs, and Bruce Greenwood, who are forced to leave behind their team of sled dogs in Antarctica. During the harsh, Antarctic winter, the dogs must struggle for survival alone in the intense frozen wilderness for over 6 months. The film is inspired by the events of a 1957 Japanese Antarctic Expedition

Not sure if we'll see this film--movies with plots that place animals in harms way for cinematic effect are not generally high on my list. I know the pooches were very well treated during the filming of the movie, so my concern isn't for the well-being of the real animals. I just don't like seeing animals threatened, hurt, or killed, even if it is all make believe.

Perhaps I should change my mind and see Eight Below. At this point, Rotten Tomatoes shows the movie at 100% (although that certainly will change as reviews from major publications and reviewers get released.)

Cast member Jason Biggs got to pet a Siberian Husky named DJ at the party for the premiere of Walt Disney Pictures 'Eight Below' in Hollywood February 12, 2006. You can see more photos from the Eight Below party on Yahoo News.

Image: REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni


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