Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Ashton Kutcher, dog sitter to the stars

I always figured the rich and famous hired pros to watch their pets, but it turns the celebs are just like you and me--they ask friends to help out with their pets. And who does Diddy trust with his canine? Ashton Kutcher, star of Punk'd and That '70s Show.

Now, I've never met Ashton, and he may be the most reliable guy on the face of the planet, but have you seen him on Punk'd? He seems like a tough guy to trust (or at least take seriously), but when Diddy (formerly known as Sean Combs, Puff Daddy, Puffy and P Diddy) visits LA, he lets his dog stay with Ashton.

"It's a white Shar Pei thing," says Ashton. "It stays at my house when he goes out partying."

Read more on Starpulse.com.


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