Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

Maintained by Petra Dogcatovitch, Hollywood Pet Gossip

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Thursday, February 09, 2006

Does your pet have Hollywood potential?

According to the Courier-Mail, the squirrels used in Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were making upwards to $1,000 a day.

If it makes you wonder if your pet has star potential (or the potential to let you retire), check out the interview with Christine Powell who runs Animal Actors, a casting agency that has been providing animals to the television and film industry since 1974.

"Many good animals never make it because of their owners," she says. "Those animals with owners willing to do the hard training yards and who can learn our training methods are the most successful."

Who knows--perhaps someday you're animal will have their star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

POP QUIZ: What are the only animals to have their stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

ANSWER: Three dogs: Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, and Goodheart.

POP QUIZ #2: Who the heck is Goodheart? I searched the Internet, and the only info I could find was from other people trying to figure out who Goodheart was! How odd is it that an animal could be famous enough to get his or her own Star in Hollywood, yet be completely forgotten on the Internet. If you know, please tell us who Goodheart was--we're dying to find out!

Read more on the Courier-Mail site.


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