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Saturday, March 04, 2006

Heather and Paul McCartney ask for your help to end the seal hunt

Heather and Sir Paul McCartney are continuing their fight to prevent animal cruelty, and they're asking for your assistance.

The two celebs traveled to the ice floes off Canada's East Coast to observe newborn harp seal pups just weeks before they will be clubbed and shot to death for their fur.

Some people claim that walking up to a baby mammal with a big club and then striking it repeatedly until it is dead is a sport. I love sports, and I know a sport when I see one, and this annual "hunt" is nothing but cruelty. The fact that the Canadian government permits the hunt is all the excuse that is needed for a bunch of people to brutalize and torture baby seals every year.

"Previous Canadian governments have allowed this heartbreaking hunt to continue despite the fact that the majority of its citizens – as well as those in Europe and America - are opposed to it," the McCartneys said in a joint statement. "We have complete faith that Prime Minister Harper will take swift and decisive action to end the slaughter of these defenseless seal pups for good."

They're asking you to get in the act, and you can do so very easily--it's all just a click away! You can e-mail the new Prime Minister of Canada from the Web site of the Humane Society of the United States. If you do this, and if this ugly practice is finally ended, you can take pride in being part of the effort that ends the seal "hunt"

Click here to complete a form that will be sent to the Canadian Prime Minister, calling on him to end the seal "hunt": https://community.hsus.org/campaign/harper_protectseals

Read more about Paul and Linda's trip to Canada to visit the baby seals on HSUS.org.


  • At 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OHH cool

  • At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    FIRST OFF: It's illegal to kill the white coat baby seals. Those aren't the ones being hunted. The ones being hunted are the adults with grey coats. They just get their pictures taken with the white coats because they are cute and that they can't get close enough to an adult hood seal to take a decent picture.
    SECONDLY: Sealers do NOT repeatedly club seals. and it's not a club like most people think. It has a spike on the end which is driven through the skull. It's once quick strike and it's over. No repeated clubbing.
    THIRDLY: The seals that are killed are anything but defenceless. For all of you who think adult hood seals are harmless, go up next to one and see how long you have both of your legs. They aren't the gentle slow moving creatures that Hollywood puts them up to be. In the end they are still wild animals.
    FOURTHLY: Not just the fur is used from the hunt. Unlike most other hunts, as much of the seal is used as possible. The meat is used, the fat is a source of Omega 3 fatty acids, hell, some people even have a use for the bones.
    LASTLY: While the seal hunt is considered cruelty to animals, what about raising animals in captivity for the sole purpose of being slaughtered? Cows and sheep are strapped into place and force fed, they don't move and most don't ever see daylight. Then they are placed on a conveyor belt and sent through a machine. THAT my friends is animal cruelty. In the wild, many seals actually have a shot a staying alive and many live out a long life and die of natural causes.

    All in all, I think this whole protest of the seal hunt is a farce.

  • At 5:57 PM, Blogger Augie Ray said…

    I appreciate the comments. Not sure I agree with them, but I appreciate your perspective.

    I think the ultimate question is why this hunt needs to happen in the first place. You mention they aren't defenseless and if someone doesn't believe that, they should stand beside the seals. Well, if the hunters stay home and STOP standing beside the seals, then they won't feel threatened and no one needs to club (or drive a spike through the head of) a seal.

    If seal populations don't need to be limited, then this hunt is a farce (rather than the protests being a farce, as you suggested.) And if the seal population does need to be limited, then I'd ask if there is a better and more humane way to solve the problem.

    As for the abuse of cows, chickens, and sheep, I suppose you have a point. Still, you have to start somewhere to prevent the senseless abuse of animals!


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