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Friday, March 31, 2006

Kristin Davis dedicating herself to dogs

Kristin Davis was, in our opinion, the sexiest of the crew on Sex and the City, which is why we've been surprised at her low profile since the series ended. So, what's she been up?

Charlotte (as we all really know her) was anxious to find the right film, and while The Shaggy Dog may seem an odd vehicle for her return to the big screen, she says it was the right choice for several different reasons. Kristin told the Belfast Telegraph, "I really wanted to make the film because I love dogs and I love comedy, and I'm happy that I can take my grandmother Flossie to this film. She is adorable and refuses to say the title of the show I used to be on, and of course she wouldn't watch it, so it's really nice that I can say: 'Let's take grandma to the movies.'"

And now that her latest film is released, what is Kristin doing? Loving her new pets! "My puppies have taken over my life. I've just adopted a family of four dogs from a pet rescue centre and they are a handful, but they really make me happy."

By the way, you men out there may want to take note: dogs are nice, but Kristin's biological clock is ticking. "If the right guy comes along I would love a baby."

Visit belfasttelegraph.co.uk to read more. Or, check out more photos of Kristin at opening of The Shaggy Dog on Yahoo News.


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