Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Lassie and Morris the Cat receive StarPet Awards

We're not sure if this news or just cheap publicity, but either way you may enjoy knowing that Lassie and Morris the Cat were honored with StarPet Awards. What's a StarPet award, you may ask? Those are awards given by animal behaviorist Bash Dibra who just happens to have a book called... care to guess... you'll be surprised... StarPet. (You weren't surprised, were you?)

Lassie and Morris appeared in person to accept their awards at a Bide-A-Wee Gala in May during National Pet Month. (No word on how Lassie and Morris got along. Rumor has it they've had a long-standing feud ever since they arrived to the Westminster show wearing the same outfit.)

You can read more about Bash and StarPets at http://www.starpet.com/.


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