Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

Maintained by Petra Dogcatovitch, Hollywood Pet Gossip

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Monday, December 19, 2005

Is Michael Jackson starving his animals?

We debated whether to post this: First of all, we are not sure it is true, since it comes from just one source (a FOX news report that is repeated across many other news sites). Secondly, the news is a downer and we prefer our celeb pet news to be upbeat, funny, or odd. So, we'll share the sad news, hope it is untrue, and will continue to watch for other reports.

femalefirst.co.uk reports that Michael Jackson has abandoned his Neverland Ranch animals with little electricity and water. The site claims Michael is so broke his animals are on the brink of starvation.

Michael has escaped the US, the press, and the painful rumors that seem to collect around him. He now lives in Bahrain, but his animals are reportedly suffering back at his California ranch.

Fox News columnist Roger Friedman is quoted saying, "There are real fears now for the animals in Jackson's home zoo. Last week, the ranch was down to almost no food for the animals. At the last minute, sources say, a delivery was made, but it won't last long."

We hope this isn't true. And if it is true, we hope authorities will step in quickly. After all, this is in the same state that prevented Paris Hilton from keeping an exotic monkey because it was against the law. If California authorities can act quickly against one heiress and her pampered pet, let's hope they can act even more quickly when many animals are in true need!

Here is the report on FemaleFirst. And here is the report from FOX news detailing Jacko's terrible financial state of affairs.


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