Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

Maintained by Petra Dogcatovitch, Hollywood Pet Gossip

News about celebrities and their dogs, cats, and other pets. Find out which celebrity cannot live without his or her pet, who's seen out with their pets, and what celeb pets are up to! Sponsored by JustPetStrollers.com., offering the safest and most stylish pet strollers with the lowest prices, free shipping, and five-star rated service.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Jake Gyllenhaal heads to park with two pups

Jake Gyllenhaal is my kind of actor--handsome, talented, unafraid to take risks... and he loves dogs. He's so perfect that there must be some deep dark secret, like maybe he starred in a bad action/disaster flick where he played the world's oldest high school student who is too lazy to walk through a snowstorm so his aging but still cute father must brave untold life-threatening risks over a 100-mile trek to save him. Nah, Jake would never make a career choice like that!

But I digress. The amazingly talented Jake was recently seen taking his dogs to a dog park, and of course, his dogs are perfect just like him. His German shepherd, Atticus, is rugged and handsome just like Jake. And his puggle, Boo Radley, is cute and adorable just like Jake.

For numerous cute pictures of Jake, Atticus, and Boo, visit JustJared.com.


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