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Monday, January 16, 2006

Model arrives to cocktail party with poorly trained animal. And she brought a puppy.

Model Beth Ostrosky, a supporter of the North Shore Animal League, recently arrived at a cocktail party with a scruffy, ill-mannered animal--her date, Howard Stern. She also had a cute and cuddly pooch with her.

The cocktail party was for the North Shore Animal League, and Beth is the spokesperson for the non-profit organization which finds homes for over 20,000 homeless cats and dogs a year.

She also posed for their 2006 calendar, and I can think of worse ways to support a good cause then to purchase a calendar full of cute Beth and cut pets. You can purchase the calendar here. All proceeds from the calendar will go to the Hurricane Gulf Coast Animal Rescue Fund.

As for the party, there are no reports that Howard caused any problems, but perhaps that was because Beth kept him on a short leash.

You can see more images of Howard and Beth on the Yahoo News site.


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