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Monday, January 09, 2006

Halle saves two dogs (well, really just one)

Halle Berry was photographed saving two dogs. The first dog was running through traffic, and we'll give Halle a shout out for quickly stopping her Range Rover and saving the Pomeranian puppy. She then found the pet's human companion nearby, making sure the pooch got home safe and sound.

And then a second puppy needed saving, and who you gonna call? Catwoman! Another dog was found in some nearby bushes, and she also saved that puppy. Now, bushes aren't normally known for being especially dangerous, but if the dog was unleashed and likely to get into greater trouble, Halle the hero might've saved two dogs in one day.

The neighborhood was quite impressed with Halle's willingness to pitch in. Said one neighbor, "Halle was brilliant. The owner was so relieved and just couldn't thank her enough."

You can read more about Halle's heroics on the Mirror Web site. Or, visit JustJared.com for some pix of Halle in action.


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