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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Fatboy Slim urges Sir Paul's dog to leave his vegetarian ways

Recording star Fatboy Slim wants Sir Paul McCartney's dog to go off his veggie diet and enjoy a nice piece of steak.

Okay, that's not really true, but it does sound like a juicy gossip headline for the Enquirer, don't you think?

The fact is that Fatboy Slim did accidentally feed meat to Sir Paul's pooch, and he feels terrible about it. Turns out Norman (his real name, which isn't nearly as cool as Fatboy) is accustomed to leaving bits of leftover meat on a beach near his home for the foxes. But Paul lives nearby, and his pooch seized the opportunity to enjoy some tasty meat.

Said Norman, "I had a birthday barbecue last year and threw all the old meat out and his dog went and finished the lot. I felt really bad."

Read more about Norman and Paul on Virgin.net.


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