Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

Maintained by Petra Dogcatovitch, Hollywood Pet Gossip

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Pets in California News

No celebs in either of these stories, but seeing both Mercury News articles in one day made me want to share them.

The first article is about Jet Pets, a "creature care facility at Los Angeles International Airport (that) animals overcome pet lag." (Wish someone would help me with that!) What sorts of creatures, you might ask? "I've shipped ostriches, everything. Ostriches are not fun. Kangaroos. We used to do a lot of lions," Jet Pets' David Hasenauer said. "We used to ship dolphins, have to hose them down. Sea lions." Oh yeah, and the occasional dog and cat, too!

The second California pet article is about a new, proposed state law that would require cities to take into account the "needs of individuals with household pets, service animals and livestock" in their disaster planning. Let's hear it for Assemblyman Leland Yee of San Francisco for this smart piece of legislation.

We know some people gripe that humans have to come first when it comes to reacting to disasters (and they're right) but the lessons of Hurricane Katrina shouldn't be forgotten: People are much more likely to heed evacuations and leave if they can take their four-legged family members! (You wouldn't catch us leaving our pets behind, that's for sure!)

Read both of these articles here.


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