Hollywood & Celebrity Pet News

Maintained by Petra Dogcatovitch, Hollywood Pet Gossip

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Monday, January 23, 2006

Jude Law walks away from Sienna and instead walks with dogs

Jude Law and Sienna Miller are so boring. Who knew such beautiful people could be so completely boring? They're dating, he cheated, she left, they're together, they're apart, they're together, they're apart--I'm glad we only report on their pets and not them, because those celeb bloggers have got to be darn tired of the two of them.

(And how come they don't have a cute name like Bennifer or Vaughniston? How about Slaw? Or, better year, Sie-saw?)

So, anyway, Jude and Sienna are on the outs, but at least Jude still has his pooches to keep him company. Socialite's Life has more photos of Jude and his puppies, and they all look darn cute (if a bit distraught and lonely.) Here's hoping Jude gets his names out of the rags and his face back into movies--we loved him in Sky Captain, Ripley and the vastly underrated AI!


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