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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"Stay" flabbergasts Sundance audiences with unique pet love

At first I wasn't going to share this since I am not sure the subject of this post--the movie "Stay," which was just screened to Sundance audiences--is really the kind of flick that reflects what you and I might think of when we use the term "pet lover." It's a film about the love shared between a woman and her dog... a special kind of love.

Reuters says the movie is full of "deliriously unprintable moments" and that "local standards will be 'offended.'" So, "Stay" sounded like something I could ignore.

But as I read the Reuter's review, I found the reviewer wasn't dismissing the film as just another crude, shocking indie film. The review notes, "'Stay' is a rather sweet and conventional love story" and a "surprisingly warm romantic comedy."

The crudity isn't surprising coming from filmmaker Bob Goldthwait (formerly know as "Bobcat"), but it sounds as if there's more to Bob and this film than Farrelly Brothers-type gross outs and cheap laughs. Heaven only knows when this odd little film will make it to your cineplex, if ever, but if you're not easily offended, perhaps it will be worth checking out.

Read the Reuter's review here. Or check out more from Sundace on the Indie Wire.


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