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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Edie Falco gets sh!t from passerby (and dog)

I generally don't feel sorry for celebs who complain about the constant attention that comes with all that fame and fortune. If being under the microscope 24/7 gets to be too much, they're welcome to take a job in an office somewhere and slave away in anonymity for 60 hours a week, trying to make ends meet and pay the mortgage. I figure a week or two of that and the fans and paparazzi won't seem so bad.

Then again, there are times you just want to be left alone--and picking up dog doody is one of those times! Sopranos star Edie Falco was cleaning up after her dog when a passerby yelled, "Hey Carmela, I heard you didn't take sh!t from nobody!"

This tidbit comes from Gabsmash.


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